3.2.1 How to create a Contact
To create a new account (please note that fields with a red star * is mandatory);
Click on the Contacts entity in the menu
Fill out as described;
First Name: First name of the customer
Last Name: Last name of the customer
Customer Number will automatically be filled
Email**: Email of the customer
Previous E-mail is not needed
Mobile Phone: Phone no. of the customer
Preferred Language: Preferred language of communication towards the customer
Customer Template: Hit ‘Enter’ and choose the correct Customer Template (for B2C customers)
Alternative Telephone: Alternative phone no. to call the customer at
Preferred Method of Contact: The preferred communication method towards the customer, e.g. by phone or email
Account: If the contact is an employee in a company, you can hit ‘Enter’ and choose the company from here, or create a new one – refer to the Accounts section as how to create a new account
Country: Contact's country of origin; hit ‘Enter’ to choose from the list
Address: Begin writing the address and then choose with the mouse from the list. Check that the address is shown correctly on the map below the field.
Click on Save to create the customer
**Email address of the customer is the unique identifier, meaning customers can only exist with one email address in MyStore (within a franchisee), thus duplicates are not allowed