4.1 Staff Booking (Formerly Kvik Booking)
In Mystore it is possbile to make a Staff Booking - Which is similar to booking through the website just directly inside MyStore.
This is a tool for anyone that needs to schedule a meeting.
The first time you use the Staff Booking tool you will be met with the following screen in your local language:
This is as it should be, and you can just press “tillad”/”Allow” to enable the tool.
The process is divided into four steps.
Open the Staff Booking
First you select the meeting subject (Bath or Wardrobe, Kitchen design or Kitchen Inspiration)
Then you select the meeting type (Video, Store, or Home Meeting)
By default the store you are working in will be filled in under store
If you are working in multiple stores you can select those through the dropdown.
Click next step
Choose employee, date and time
First choose the employee that you want to schedule a meeting for
Then choose the date.
And at last set the time, through the available timeslots.
Click next step
Customer information
Write the customer e-mail
If it is a new customer you have to insert the information (First name, last name and phone)
If it is an already existing customer the first name, last name and email are inserted. And also phone number, if we have this information.
If it is a home-meeting address is also a mandatory field.
Click the marketing communication to allow us to connect with the customer
Overview of booking
A brief overview of the booking information is shown.
And marketing permission
In the Customer Lookup The system will look into the system and check if the customer exists in the system
To sum up here is a videoguide from beginning till end, showing the whole process
In case you need to cancel or adjust the booking go to the following guide: