3.1.1 How to create an Account

To create a new account (please note that fields with a red star * is mandatory);

  • Click on the Accounts entity in the menu

  • In the new overview click on New in the command bar


  • Fill in with the information as described;

    • Account Name*: Name of the company

    • Customer Number will automatically be filled

    • Phone: Company phone no.

    • Website: Company website

    • Parent Account: If the company is a parent company (e.g. a retail chain), you can choose a company here. Hit the ‘Enter’ button and select from the list, or create a new Account directly from the lookup-field.

    • VATNumber*: VAT no. of the company

    • Customer Template: Hit ‘Enter’ and choose the correct Customer Template (for B2B customers)

    • Country: Company's country of origin; hit ‘Enter’ to choose from the list

    • Service Address: Begin writing the address and then choose with the mouse from the list. Check that the address is shown correctly on the map below the field.

      Please note that fields with a red star * is mandatory.


  • Finish by clicking on Save to create the customer