6.2 Store Opening Hours
To set the opening hours of the store you will have to click the tile
'Opening hours and closing days'
From here you are able to create the Store Opening Hours for the store, as shown in the video below.
The opening hours will be shown on the website
IMPORTANT: Please note that you can only have ONE strandard Store Opening Hours. If you add addition Store Opening Hours, which are not the normal opening hours, then set "Is default" to "No".
Example: If you make opening hours for the Christmas-holidays, then set "Is default" to "No".
Please ALWAYS make sure the owner-field, in the top right corner, is set to be the store's franchise (as shown in the end of the video).
Website Synchronization with Mystore
The Website synchronizes with Mystore every 15 minutes.
If any changes are made, you can expect them to appear on the website within 15-20 minutes after the update.Website Synchronization with Mystore
Our website synchronizes with Mystore every 15 minutes. If any changes are made, you can expect them to appear on the website within 15-20 minutes after the update.