5.1.3 Headline & description

Please note: That for a description/quote to be shown on a specific store’s website, you also need to create a work schedule & work template for that specific store completing the guide on this page. Read more here

The headlines & descriptions section defines what type of info will be displayed about the person on the website. This can be distinguished between different stores, if you work in multiple.

You can describe a quote and a description. As well as note your availabilities (Home, Video and/or Store) in each specific store.

Quotes are like small text strings, e.g. a motivation factor for visiting his or her store.

Descriptions are the texts shown whenever a visitor clicks on the persons profile picture on the website.


How to: Resource Headline - General information, Web settings, Description and Quote

To edit/create a Resource Headline:

  • If you do not have a Resource Headline yet, or want to create an additional one for a different store/language, click on +New Resource Headline.

  • If you already have a Resource Headline, and want to adjust it, click on the name of the line that you want to adjust.

Bookable Resource view
  • A new window appears with 4 boxes

First you fill out general information:

  • Store: Choose which store this Resource Headline applies to. Just click in the menu, start typing and select the store.

  • Title: Choose the title that you have in the particular store.

  • Language: Choose the language that you want to show the quote and description in.


Then you will choose your Web settings

  • Show on website: Should the resource be visible on the website?

    • If you want to be visible on the website, you must have a work schedule attached to it. It is not necessary to have template lines on it, with working hours, it should just be created.
      For more information check this guide.

  • Is bookable: Should the resource be able to be booked from the website?

  • Bookable for in store meetings: Choose if the resource can be booked for meetings in the store

  • Bookable for online meetings: Choose if the resource can be booked for online (video) meetings - Make sure to have an active Zoom-License. Contact your FT if you are in doubt.

  • Bookable for home meetings: Choose if the resource can be booked for home meetings/visiting the customer

  • B2B expert: Choose if the resource is a B2B expert (which will be showed with a banner on the website)


Then you can create a description and a quote:

  • You can have different descriptions and quotes in different stores, you will then have to create a new Resource Headline

  • Description: Fill in the description from the resource.

  • Quote: Fill in the quote from the resource.
    Please note: Filling out the quote does not mean it will automatically be shown on the website. For this you will have to choose the resource when updating your store data (please refer to the store section for this).