4.3 Schedule Board

The Schedule Board is the store’s calendar overview of all resources (employees/users) within a franchisee. In the board you can also see and control all bookings coming from either the website, or created manually through MyStore.

To find the Schedule Board;

  • Click on the Schedule Board item in the menu

Expand the tree in this FAQ to see how to use the Schedule Board.

Working with the Schedule Board

The Schedule Board shows all bookings across all Sales People, across all stores within the franchisee.

Kvik Planning - All
This board shows all bookings and should be chosen as default

Click this button to filter on stores, country, see this guide for more information

Date & time picker
Click this ‘picker’ to pick a date of shown bookings

Important: Finnish markets

Finnish users needs to choose Kvik planning - Finland in order for the dates & times to be viewed correctly (time zone is GMT+2)