Blocking when working in multiple stores
If you work in multiple stores, you need to be aware that blocking yourself via the Microsoft Outlook blocking function blocks your entire calendar.
In this case we will show an example for vacations for a person working in 2 different stores
To only block yourself in one store, and being open in another, you will have to do as follows;
Go to Stores & Employees in the dropdown menu
Under Employee Management, click on Work templates
Now click on New
Fill in the name of the temporary vacation schedule in the Name field
For the store that you are not working inClick on New work template line
In the new pop-up fill in;
Day of the week
Meeting type: Please select only ‘Unavailable for meetings’
Time from: Please select from 00.30
Time to: Please select to 23.30
Finish by clicking on Save & Close
For the store that you are working in
Click on New work template line
In the new pop-up fill in;
Day of the week
Meeting type: Select type of meetings you are available for
Time from
Time to
Finish by clicking on Save & Close
Setting owner field
Remember to set the owner field of the template to the franchisee person of the store(s).
Finish by clicking on Save & Close to go back to the overview
You will now have two different work templates running.
Video demonstration - blocking when working in multiple stores