Google Reviews

Things you can do to improve your ⭐️ rating without making the Google algorithm mad.

Google reviews will appear on store pages from autumn 2022, so it's time to make sure your star rating ⭐️  is in tip top shape. Here are some things you can do to improve your rating: 

  1. Answer your reviews - We forward Google Reviews from the Marketing Helpdesk and we ask you to provide a personalised answer to your customers - whether they've left 1 star or 5 or something in between. Please send us an answer - when people read the reviews, it really helps when they see that you care enough to leave a personal answer to your customers. While we have some standard responses, if that's all customers see on your reviews, it may make them think twice about buying their kitchen from your store. 

  2. Ask your happy customers to do a Google review - If you know a customer loves their new kitchen, you can kindly ask them to do a Google review. People have a tendency to leave reviews when they are dissatisfied, so if you can get your satisfied customers to do a review, you can balance out the unhappy ones. But please, don't do this through bribery of any sort, Google frowns on that. Heavily. 

  3. Answer honestly -  If it's a negative review and you made a mistake or did something wrong, admit it. Remember, you're not only addressing the person doing the review, you're addressing potential future customers. They are much more likely to forgive a negative review if they can see you responding in a humble and honest way. If you need help formulating a diplomatic answer, we're happy to help you out with that. 

  4. Answer in the same language as the customer - This is why we ask you for answers to your reviews - we don't have the language skills for 10 languages. And though we can post standard responses, a personal response is always best. Do NOT get your colleagues or friends or family to do positive reviews and do not review your own store. Google's algorithm has a way of catching these and they are not amused. 

  5. Take complaints offline - Don't get into an argument in your response. If a customer is dissatisfied, answer them kindly on the review, then call them or email them, don't engage in an argument or offers of credit or solutions on the review itself. 

  6. Anyone can review your store - People don't have to be a paying customer to do a Google review. Maybe they stopped by and you were too busy to talk to them. Maybe you didn't answer your phone when they called. Maybe they walked past and saw something in the window that they didn't like. They might even be totally unfair. A kind response to such reviews is the best you can do, because remember, you are really speaking to future customers in your response.  


These are just a few tips to get you started on improving your ⭐️  average. If you have any questions, send a mail to and we'll be happy to help you out. Your Country Manager, Marketing Manager or Retail Consultant can help as well. 

📚You can read Google's review policy to learn more.

Answering Google Reviews Part 2

  1. Answer quickly - We forward all reviews where the customer has written something about your store, so a little bit of time inevitably passes before we answer, but the sooner you answer our mail, the sooner we will post your answer for you. 

  2. Understand the customer's experience before responding - This may sound like it goes against our first tip, but it's important. Take the time to investigate if necessary - we can always post a quick answer, saying that we are investigating the issue before giving more complete answer on the review. 

  3. Stay professional and courteous - The review might be unfair or make you mad, but avoid taking it personally. 

  4. Offer to talk it over - If this is the first you've heard of the customer's dissatisfaction, invite them to call or email and try to sort it out with them. It's important to do this on the review so that other potential customers reading the review know you take your unhappy customers seriously. 

  5. Show there's a real person reading and responding - Sign off with your name or your initials to show you're taking the feedback seriously and that a real person is answering. Use a professional, but informal, approachable tone of voice. 

Remember, every review is a learning opportunity - both good and bad, so take them as that and see what you can learn. And if you're getting a lot of bad reviews, maybe it's time to take a closer look.