6.2.1 Special opening hours

This is a guide on how to set up special opening hours, for example an extended opening due to Black Friday, a shorter day due to a celebration, or an extra opening day due to a special occasion (for example, the store is open on a Sunday).

  • The given day(s) will be shown on the website when they are within the 6 upcoming days.

  • Click on the video below for a demonstration of the process.

OpeningHours .mp4

Special Store Opening Hours - Sunday Open Example

  • Go to “My Store” on the left menu

  • Click on “Opening hours and closing days”

  • Create “New Store Opening Hours”

  • Give your new template a Name, and remember to set “Is Standard = No

  • Select the time range (Valid From/Valid To) for when the opening hours should apply. For example, if the template is made for a occasional Sunday opening, the template should be valid only for the Sunday.

    • In the example of the video, the Sunday is March 10 2024. The opening hours will then be applied for the whole Sunday from 00:00 until 23:59.

  • Fill out the days and timeslots of the special opening hours. If the template is only meant for the Sunday, then you only have to fill out the Sunday.

  • The functionality makes sure that the rest of the weekdays from the standard opening hours are applied, and only the days from the non-standard template is applied within the time of “Valid From” and “Valid To”.

After having created the new opening hours, it is important to remember to make a deviation for each of the employees working that day. See this guide for help

  • So they are bookable for the full length of the opening.

  • After the special opening hours have surpassed, you do not have to revert it, since it will automatically go back to the standard opening hours.