Kvik’s Social Media setup

This section describes what social media platforms Kvik uses.


Facebook page (National)

Kvik has 8 national Facebook pages; one for every country that Kvik is represented in. All content on these pages are posted in the local language (in case a country has more than one main language, posts will be posted in both languages and targeted towards people speaking the specific language).

Facebook location (Local)

Besides the national page, Kvik has one page for every store, called Facebook locations. This is the local Facebook representation of the store, which the store can get access to and post on if the store wishes. Check this guide for how to get access to your stores' Facebook location.

A Facebook location is linked to the national Facebook page of the store. All the content that is posted on the national Facebook page is automatically posted on the Facebook location as well.
Stores do not need to engage with their Facebook location if they do not wish to, as enquiries that come to a Facebook location will also be taken care of by the Social media team at Kvik A/S.

Instagram (International)

Kvik has one international Instagram account (@kvikkitchen), where all posts are posted in English. 


Pinterest (International)

Kvik has one international Pinterest account (@kvikkitchen), where all posts are posted in English. 

LinkedIn (International)

Kvik has two international LinkedIn accounts (Kvik A/S and ‘Find a job at Kvik’), where most posts are posted in English.  When the audience for a post is large enough, we do occasional language-targeted posts, for example, in Danish, to Danish followers only.

GoogleMyBusiness (Local)

Every store has their own GoogleMyBusiness account. This account is managed by Kvik. Stores can get access to their GoogleMyBusiness account if they wish.

This account is shown when a customer searches for the respective Kvik store on Google and contains information about the location of the store as well as opening hours for the store. Opening hours on GoogleMyBusiness are synchronized with the opening hours in StoreAdmin, hence stores should only take care to keep their opening hours updated in StoreAdmin.