3.2.1 How to create a Contact

To create a new account (please note that fields with a red star * is mandatory);

  • Click on the Contacts entity in the menu

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  • Fill out as described;

    • First Name: First name of the customer

    • Last Name: Last name of the customer

    • Customer Number will automatically be filled

    • Email**: Email of the customer

    • Previous E-mail is not needed

    • Mobile Phone: Phone no. of the customer

    • Preferred Language: Preferred language of communication towards the customer

    • Customer Template: Hit ‘Enter’ and choose the correct Customer Template (for B2C customers)

    • Alternative Telephone: Alternative phone no. to call the customer at

    • Preferred Method of Contact: The preferred communication method towards the customer, e.g. by phone or email

    • Account: If the contact is an employee in a company, you can hit ‘Enter’ and choose the company from here, or create a new one – refer to the Accounts section as how to create a new account

    • Country: Contact's country of origin; hit ‘Enter’ to choose from the list

    • Address: Begin writing the address and then choose with the mouse from the list. Check that the address is shown correctly on the map below the field.


  • Click on Save to create the customer

**Email address of the customer is the unique identifier, meaning customers can only exist with one email address in MyStore (within a franchisee), thus duplicates are not allowed