5.5 How to delete a user

If you wish to delete a user that currently exists, you can do that through the “User Management” entity.

To find this, please make sure you are in the Store & Employees tab, and select User Management.

When you have accessed User Management;

  • Click on the user you want to delete on the left panel. (If you have a lot of users, you can search through the search bar. It is only possible to search based on email address)

  • Click on the trashcan image-20240229-111809.png in the top right corner.

  • Set the deactivation date. From this date, the user will appear as deactivated in MyStore, and removed from the website.

  • Choose whether you want 4 weeks to delegate the received mails to a different e-mail or not.

  • Per default the delegation mail will be the Franchisee, if you wish another email to be delegated to, you have to fill this out.

  • When ready, click on confirm, and the user is deleted.

Below a video that demonstrates how to do it:


Guide: How to delete a user