What is a timeslot anyway?

Learn about the timeslot template.

Everyone who should be available for meeting bookings should have timeslots in Store Admin. It's now possible for the individual employee to control their own timeslots, editing and adjusting them themselves, but they can also be created by a store manager.


What is a timeslot?

A timeslot is a kind of template for your week, where you tell the booking system what kind of meetings you accept on which days. It shouldn't actually change all that much from week to week, so the idea is that you set it to reflect a normal week and you make adjustments for special opening hours in your Outlook calendar. Once it's set, you shouldn't have to adjust it all that much. But if things change, you can always adjust it.



Timeslots update

Timeslots update weekly early Monday morning and the system creates timeslots 4 weeks ahead, so you always have four weeks of available timeslots.