What if a customer has already visited my store page?
If a customer has visited your store page, this will be the default store, no matter where the customer navigates on the website
If your store is not offering Kvik Home at this moment, then customers will still be able to book a regular meeting in your store.
Nothing changes for your store and how customers can book.
There will still be 2 ways for customers to book meetings with your store:
#1 - If a customer books but has not visited a store page
If a customers has not chosen a local store, then they will get to choose from Store meeting and Home meeting. If the customer chooses store meeting, they simply select their preferred store from the store list, and continue with the booking.
#2 - If a customer has visited or books directly from my store page
If a customers visits your store page and you do not offer Kvik Home, customers will be directed, to the booking flow of your store. Just like the system has always done
The system will automatically have pre selected your store so customers can continue booking with your store.
Read more about how the customer books a meeting