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In MyStore a number of default dashboards views have been prepared from Kvik HQ’s side, and involves;








Projects, Phone calls, Activities


Store manager


Projects, Phone calls, Activities


Sales person


Offers, Activities, Daily calendar overview


Back Office


Projects, Projects delivery




Work orders, Projects delivery

The list of available of dashboard(s) will depend on your role, that has been determined by the franchisee of the storeTo make the daily overview of your calendar more easy, a Bookings dashboard has been introduced. With this, Sales Persons and other users of MyStore will have an intuitive overview of the upcoming booking, or essentially looking like an to-do list.

Using the dashboard overview


  • Click on the Dashboard item in the menu on the left

  • You will now see a number of boxes with information inside. This information, divided into columns, are based on what is called ‘Views’

  • Click on Next, click on the small arrow pointing down (a new drop-down should appear with the accessible views for your user) to e.g. select the Franchisee dashboard

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    In the various Dashboards you will be able to find information regarding Active Projects, Phone calls and much more. Just like changing the dashboards, you can also change the sub-dashboards that you will find within the views.
    Just click the small arrow pointing down and change to another sub-dashboard.
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    , and select Bookings

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  • You can also set this Dashboard as a default view, if you use this particular dashboard often.
    Just click the Save as Default button in the command bar.

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My Appintments

In the first, upper box you will find the box ‘My Appointments’: From this view, you will be able to get a full overview of your upcoming bookings - both today and in the future.



In the two lower boxes you will find a calendar overview, looking much like what you see in Microsoft Outlook.

The box on the left shows your own upcoming appointments (bookings).

The box on the right shows both your upcoming appointments along with your colleagues within the franchisee.
